August, 2023


6h 55m

I almost gave up, while C-Side 6 wasn't particularly hard, the next two put my patience to the test.

Chapter 7: C-Side is harder more so on a mechanical level, it's easy to figure what you need to do, but the execution is demanding. Over time, the movement became familiar and after around 2 hours and over 700 deaths, I'd reached the heart.

Chapter 8: C-Side proved most frustrating, clocking at a total of 3 hours and 950 deaths. This level introduces hyperdashing proper, and oh boy, I suck at it. Which isn't good especially when the level wants me to chain 4 of them in a row and later another 2 with the added pressure of rising lava. I got into a flow state where I would reach the last hyperdash tunnel, only to fail and have to repeat the whole screen. When I finally beat the level, my excitement was through the roof.

Onward to farewell now, wish me luck...